Generation of Leaders

Engaging the Next

A Christians Engaged Initiative

Join the Movement

Become a Next-Gen Leader

Get Involved

Do you want to make an impact?

Take The Pledge


Never miss an election again, and build habits for life.

PRAY for our nation and elected officials regularly

VOTE in every local, state, and national election to impact our culture

ENGAGE our hearts in civic education or involvement for the well-being of our local communities and our nation

Washington DC Trip

Each summer trip scholarships are available*

For each of these trips, we are proud to offer full scholarships to young adults aged 18-30 years old. We are looking for individuals who have governmental, political, or ministry calls on their lives, and have never previously been to Washington, DC.

*2024 trip scholarships are full

The CE Conference

September 27-28, 2024. Free*

A conference where ministry and government officials come together across denominational lines to pray, worship, educate and inspire fellow Christians to do the same. Speakers include Coach Joe and Denise Kennedy, Tim Barton of Wallbuilders, Congressman Michael Cloud, Congressman Nathanial Moran, former Congresswoman Vicki Hartzler, Jaco Booyens, Kyle Lance Martins, and many more.

*Must be between the ages of 16-30 to qualify

Who We Are

Part of our ministry’s mission is to mobilize and equip college students and young professionals with the resources needed to Pray, Vote and Engage in their local communities and beyond.