

Thank you for helping us to engage YOUNG ADULTS in this critical season for the future of our nation, and also bring people into relationship with Christ through His Word. What we do together can change the world and produce a foundation for our future. Let’s pray, vote, and engage.

Sponsor a young adult.

Our mission is to mobilize and equip youth, college students, and young professionals with the resources needed to Pray, Vote and Engage in their local communities and beyond. Help us help them.

These numbers include our mentorship and staff time for recruiting...

  • Sponsor a month of mentoring via our Young Adult Director - $5,000

  • Sponsor a Young Person on our DC Trip - $2,000

  • Sponsor a half of a scholarship for our DC Trip - $1,000

  • Sponsor a speaking engagement in front of a youth group or young adult gathering - $750

  • Sponsor a Young Person for our Conference - $250

  • Sponsor a Young Person through a Class - $150

  • Sponsor a Podcast Episode for Young Adults - $100